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Let’s #TalkFlorida! How to get involved with our Twitter Chat

#TalkFlorida Twitter Chat
  • Planning the holiday of a lifetime to Florida?
  • Been visiting the Sunshine State for as long as you can remember?
  • Or just crazy about all things Disney World, Universal Studios and anything else Florida-related?

If any of these sound like you, you’ll definitely want to get involved in our #TalkFlorida Twitter chats!

How does it work?

#TalkFlorida is a weekly get-together of Florida fans, to chat about their favourite theme parks, experiences, and find out new things that you might not read in the guidebooks!

Every Wednesday from 7pm-8pm (UK time) we’ll be discussing a different topic to do with visiting Florida and its parks.

Why would I want to join in?

Planning to visit Florida for the first time? It’s your chance to ask advice from Florida veterans and experts. Plus we all know that chatting to other people about your holiday ups your excitement factor x 10000!

Feel like you have loads of experience and knowledge about Florida & its theme parks? Your opinions, advice and tips are invaluable – there’s sooooo much to know about Florida and we want to hear what you think!

Feel like your friends & family just don’t understand your obsession with all things Florida? You now have a place where you can feed your Florida addiction in the company of other like-minded people. You’re very welcome!

#TalkFlorida sounds right up my street! How do I get involved?

Anyone can join in (as long as you have a Twitter account) – here’s what you need to do:

  • Follow @floridatix on Twitter.
  • Make sure you’re logged onto Twitter on Wednesday evenings from 7pm – 8pm
  • Search for #TalkFlorida to find out this week’s topic
  • Answer the questions or just chat with the other participants about their answers!

Ps. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #TalkFlorida!

Follow @floridatix on Twitter!

All this Florida chat making you want to go there RIGHT NOW? See what Florida attractions you could be enjoying!

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